Yesterday Jared pointed out to me that there has not been a post about our kids in awhile...I told him it was because our camera isn't working. I am going to buy a new camera today, but in the mean time I am posting some pictures from April and some of what Jacob and Claire are up to lately.
As I type this they are in there room dressing up... Nana gave them great dress ups for their birthday and now they love to dress up... Claire thinks princess dresses are the greatest and Jacob actually really likes to put on his knight and police costumes, he just doesn't like keeping them on for very long. They have been so good at playing nicely together lately... they still have their fights, but they can really imagine up a great game of make believe that they both enjoy so much together. A couple of days ago I went down to the basement to find them sitting in two small chairs that they had set up directly in front of a big cardboard box (we have a lot of those in our house right now) talking non-stop to each other about how they were watching TV and a movie. Also last week they found a box full of packing peanuts and have been having a great time making huge messes playing 'popcorn'; the first day I found at least 12 containers (buckets, cups, tupperware, etc...) full of packing peanuts shoved in various places in the fridge because Jacob was 'freezing popcorn.'