Saturday, September 30, 2017

House project - part 4

While John and Vicki came for a visit, Dani decided to take advantage of John's help again for a home project. This time, it was re-doing the mirrors and lights in the master bathroom.

The idea originally was to take the mirror off and possibly cut it down. It was pretty well fastened to the wall, and when Dani and John started taking it down, it immediately cracked and came down in pieces.

No matter - they went and found new mirrors and a new light fixture, and they turned out even better!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Kate's haircut

Dani noticed strands of hair in the dollhouse and realized we hadn't even noticed the little trim Kate had given herself! I guess every little girl needs to experience cutting her own hair at least once!


Friday, September 22, 2017

Active Dates

Once we discovered Luc Lac, we had to go back - a few more times! Between the pho, the Bo Thai Chanh, and pretty much every other dish we have had there, it has quickly become one of our favorite restraunts in Portland! Also... maybe not as active as the other dates here, though we do enjoy walking around Portland.

We like to mix in active dates, including going climbing a few times lately. Bouldering is way easier than top rope bulleing. Dani is a great climber! Plus, there's a slack line that is fun to play on when our forearms are exhausted.

We sometimes go on bike rides and go find food afterwards. We'll sometimes go to food carts along the Springwater Corridor, or we'll go for a ride and get Ugly Fish and Waffle Window on the way back.

Biking downtown along the Wilamette River is beautiful. It's a long enough loop to get a good workout and is close to yummy food!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Trampoline time

The trampoline gets lots and lots of use! Sometimes, the kids put on their swimsuits and jump with the sprinkler under it.

Other times, everyone wears capes and become super heros. 

One night, they decided to sleep out on the trampoline. We learned that the dewy Portland mornings end up soaking outdoor sleepers - but they slept right through the morning dew!

There are lots of games and fun that go on with so many kids in the family!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Life with 1 at home

Now that Kate and Liam have entered Kindergarten, for the first time EVER, it's just Dani + 1 child at home every day of the week until mid-afternoon. After a few weeks, a little bit of a routine is forming. Here's what the days often look like:

The workout - in the garage
Torin brings trains and cars to the garage and lines them up along the workout mats, asking "Mama, what color is this car?" He has 'his' own mat, but prefers to line things up where Dani works out and gets mad if Dani uses his mat.

Getting ready for the day master bathroom
Torin Plays in the closet with "Guy" - a magnetic dress-up doll. After Dani is out of the shower, he pulls her into the closet to see what Guy is wearing.

Cleaning the house bathrooms;  other rooms
Torin plays with magformers, toting them around wherever Dani goes.

Emptying the dishwasher
Torin: runs over to his play kitchen, dumps any dish that is out in to his dishwasher (i.e. taking the sink out and dumping thing below)

Torin follows Dani around yelling over the vacuum, "Mom, I need to talk to you!!!"

Getting a haircut (with Tamara in the kitchen)
Torin brings all dishes and food over to the kitchen table and waits until Dani is done, at which point, they eat together before doing anything else

Any time he's not getting enough attention
Torin: "Mom, I need to do peepee"

Dani is loving having just 1 partner to run errands with and to run with, and Torin is enjoying having his mama all to himself!

Friday, September 01, 2017

a few more random pictures

Claire got braces!!! It's going to be a long process.

Light saber duels on the guest bed

Precoa Fun Run - always a fun event, and turned out to be the last held in the parking area.

We got into Nerf guns at the office for a while this year

Liam loves to spike his hair up

Liam has started reading, and sometimes he'll even read to Torin

Torin loves wearing costumes - and carrying light sabers - and being with daddy

Claire STILL sleeps with her face presed up against the side of her bed

Birthday celebrations in primary are fun even for the leaders