Thursday, July 04, 2019

Hilton Head

The whole crew, ready and excited for the drive to Hilton Head! Fortunately, we don't have as much drama on the road these days.

Nana got everyone Independence Day shades.

Everyone wore them all week.

Dolphins often came to visit - we were able to paddle within a few yards of them a number of times.

It was even a relaxing week for the parents!

As usual, we biked everywhere! It was quite the procession - bikes of every size, including trailer bikes and bike trailers.

We took a couple classic family pictures - some on one of the old trees in Harbor Town

and our Sunday picture after church. We actually did professional pictures one day on the trip, but I am not sure where those are, so these will have to do.

Giving our kids the Gregg Russell under the Old Oak Tree in Harbor Town experience. HOOOO!

The inspiration for the Ryan Warnick-designed family reunion t-shirts.

At South Beach, near the Salty Dog, there were a couple parrots, including one red one, named "Captain." Torin saw one in the gift shop, and we came home with Captain.

Food was yummy as normal - Budge's pancakes

and Matt's grilled chicken.

We made some time for tennis. Papa came over to watch too.

There was lots and lots of beach time!

And lots of cousin time 

and even some future aunt time!

The boys room was a very popular place - it was so much fun having all these boy cousins in the same room.

COTA for Team Clayton wrist bands

We recently got the dental mouth expanders game. There were some really funny faces and hard-to-understand words!

The newest game - like bowling - you get 1 point for the first hole, 2 for the 2nd, and 3 for the back row. We spent hours playing!