Thursday, September 21, 2006

New Food Face. "What is this stuff?" Jacob and Claire have had their first experiences with rice cereal and have since become better at eating it and loving it. I think the expression on his face tells all about what he thinks of it.

Super smiley face. As described below, the bigger the smile the more closed her eyes become. It is such a cute picture anyway.
I look like my cousin face. Although he is not smiling like he usually does, we still think he looks like a chubby Breckin (my brother's baby). They are both cute little babies.
Something soft must touch my face. When Claire gets tired she has to have a blanket next to her face (preferably a super soft one). It seems like she won't take a nap without that blanket touching her face. This blanket happens to have a bear attached to it, how fun.
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  1. Jacob really looks like Heath in the wide eyed picture (when he isn't smiling. I love the picture of Claire with the soft blanket.

  2. I meant Jacob really looks like Breckin in that picture!
