Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Oh to be a twin!

In the next three pictures you will discover that one of our babies is a bit more photogenic than the other, but that the other is full of crazy faces....but they both are sure cute.

This picture is a display of two exciting things: 1) our babies are on their way to rolling over, see how far on their sides they are? 2) They are really discovering the "other baby." I would like to title this picture "Who are you?" I really wonder what they are thinking.
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1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I see you are using the quit--but that is Jacob's. He was probably wondering why his sister was lying on it. The trio of pics in their diapers definitely showed some funny Claire faces. That last one is a doozy. Jacob's big round eyes help with that photgenic quality. I can't wait to witnes all their new accomplishments.
