Thursday, March 20, 2008

St. Patty's Day and Snow

No, these things did not happen on the same day, or even the same week, but I left my camera at Jared's parents house and I am behind on blogging.  This past weekend some friends of ours had a big St. Patrick's Day party and it was SO much fun.  Jared and I really like to get into the spirit of things, so I was sure to pick up some festive wear before the occasion.  My favorite is the eyelashes (again) but these ones were 2 or 3 times as long as the Valentine's Day lashes and I kept having to tilt my head back to peak under them.  I also thought it appropriate to go as a red head!
When we first arrived they had cutouts to stand behind (our friend Nick is very artistic.)  I love that the girl is taller...perfect.  Notice Jared's hat, it is tiny and he had a huge bowtie, I loved it!
At the party there were about 6 or 7 St. Patrick's Day themed casino games and we each were given a cup of coins to start.  The goal was to be the one with the most money at the end of the night.  We also ate all kinds of Irish or green foods.  We really had a great time.
Here are the host and hostess!
A big St. Patrick's Day thank you to Nana and Papa who took Jacob and Claire for the evening, even though Jacob was a puking mess and Claire threw up all over the kitchen as soon as we got to their house.  What nice Grandparents and what nice parents, it was above and beyond the call of duty!

So, the weekend before that we had a HUGE snowstorm where we got over a foot of snow.  Our kids love snow, so we had to let them out in it, but they don't have boots or snowpants, so we couldn't let them out for long.  Claire was fearless and tromped right into the deep stuff.
Jacob was so curious about the feel of the falling snow on his face.
He was also insistent on 'helping' Daddy shovel the driveway.  He really wanted to 'help' all by himself though.
Claire loves the snow and really loves outside in general.  
I like this picture.
We also had some of our friends come over on Friday night to be snowed in with us.  I made tons of food and we spent the weekend playing games, watching movies, hanging out, and eating until the roads were plowed and they could go home late Saturday evening.  It was a fun storm and now that it has been here we can move on to Spring. (Now it just keeps raining constantly)


  1. Looks like a fun St. Patrick's Day!~ I hope you had the luck of the Irish in the casino! Love the eyelashes Dani!!

  2. I'd say way that Grandparents went above and beyond the call of duty!

    It looks like you guys really know how to have a fun time and party. I love the pics of kids in the snow. Claire looks like her nanna in the second one from the bottom.


  3. We miss you guys and all your fun crazies. and we miss snow too. I wish we could come and visit!!

  4. Oh my look hilarious!
    -aunt pee pee
