Thursday, March 06, 2008

What do these things have in common?

Antifungal cream, hydrocortizone ointment, Desitin, Hairdryer, banana???......

All of these items are now a part of a new routine that happens several times a day at our house.  Claire has developed another very stubborn UNI (Unidentified Nasty own term) in her diaper area.  Last time this happened we had several doctors visits and tried a few things before settling on it being a staph infection and giving her a super strong antibiotic.  This time it has been almost a month and started very small and got progressively worse, I tried all of the things that we did last time before the strong antibiotics before returning to the doctor.  Because antibiotics tend to create more 'stool' we are trying something new before calling it a staph infection because if it isn't the anibiotics will make it worse.  So now every time I change her diaper I first apply the antifungal (athletes foot cream) then I apply the hydrocortizone which is followed by the Desitin... are you curious where the hairdryer comes in???  After applying the three creams/ointments I am to dry them with a hairdryer (on cool obviously).  Claire is so nice to lay there until the hairdryer time comes, for some reason she is deathly afraid of the hairdryer, so she flails around everywhere dispensing the cream on the carpet and on me before I can hold her down to try to dry everything at least a little, I have yet to get it completely dry.  (My doctor said she had one mother that took a hairdryer everywhere with her to use whenever they needed to change a diaper...No thankyou!)  The banana is just a big part of her newest diet...if you are a parent you know what it does, if you are not a parent, you probably did not make it this far in the post and thus, you really don't want to know what it does.  I feel so sorry for the poor girl, and I really hope this works fast, or it doesn't work at all so we can stop trying it and move on to the antibiotics because there is just not enough time in each day to change ONE of my children's diapers that way.  I have now gone through this routine 4 times, it is a pain...I think it might actually be working!

The bright side is, I actually have a use for my hairdryer now (those of you who really know me know that I use a hairdryer about 3 times a year).


  1. Oh wow. I feel so bad for little Claire. I can see how that routine would be taxing. I hope it pays off quickly.

  2. Poor Claire! Poor YOU too. I hope it heals quickly.

  3. what a pain in the butt!
    (sorry, i couldn't help myself)

  4. Poor Claire! Oh yes, and poor you!


  5. I was actually going to say all those items have to be for Claire's butt-and can you believe it, I was right! Just be glad you are not 7 months pregnant having to change her diaper that way! You are a strong fit mom!

  6. No fun! For either of you. Good Luck!

  7. she is not getting her p-ss- licked enough mum I will gladly offer to lick it, started all my girls soon after birth
