Thursday, January 15, 2009

Five Years (and counting)

Today is our 5th anniversary and I just cannot believe how fast five years has gone and how much we have done and changed in five years.  I apologize now for the abundance of pictures and that none of them are of the people that you really come to the blog to see, but it is our anniversary and 5 years is a lot of assured that there are many that I did not put on and that I spent a lot more time posting than you will reading and looking.
January 15, 2004 was a very cold day at the Mount Timponogas temple, it was during a long 'inversion' in the Utah Valley and surrounding areas.  We were both so happy that we could not stop smiling and because I had been using those Crest Whitening strips my teeth were pretty sensitive to the cold, so the smiling kind of hurt.  Something that everyone always finds interesting about our wedding day is that both Jared and I went to class that morning (we were married in the afternoon).
These are the shoes I got married in, I bought them for $9 at Target and then added lace laces and sequence and stuff with a glue gun (I wonder where they are now, I would like to have them).  

I loved going through lots of pictures from the adventures that Jared and I have had in the past 5 years.  We have had a lot of fun together and we are such great friends, it is still amazing to me how much more you can love a person after time and experiences together.
This is one of our Red River Gorge cabin with friends trips.
Hiking near Jackson Hole, Wyoming (I was looking for pictures of just us two, but all of our hiking in the past 3 years had kids in backpacks, so at least they aren't looking).
Pizza Tasting party.
A's game in Cleveland.
Murder mystery party #2.
Murder Mystery party #1.
Ugly Christmas Sweater party.
(The bulk of our pictures together were pre-kids/pre-digital/pre-this computer...and I had to take a lot out of the one and only scrapbook I have ever made, so it took a long time, and I condensed them.)  Camping in goblin valley.  Opening night of "The Incredibles."  BYU graduation.  Sand snowman on first Hilton Head Trip.
Angel's Landing in Zion.  Sunlight mountains near Cody, WY.  Boat tour in Chicago.  Mountain Biking in one of our favorite places in Utah.
Hilton head trip number 2.
White Castle Valentines Day #1 (we plan on this year being #2).
Playa Del Carmen, Mexico trip.
Snorkel ready on that same trip.
I think this was for a wedding...but we look nice, right!?!?

Through five years we have enjoyed numerous camping, hiking, mountain biking, snow skiing, and waterskiing trips.  We have finished college, started a career, bought a house, and added two little kiddos to our family.  We have hosted several fun parties for our friends and come up with ideas for several more.  We have been to several family reunions, family and friend trips, and a few trips for just us two.  We have learned that we are terrible painters, ok (but not great) gardeners, and so so fix-it people.  I am so glad I married a man that encourages my sense of adventure and is adventurous, a man that loves the things that I love and loves to learn new things with me.

I am so grateful for the past five years with my best friend and the love of my life.  Jared is an excellent husband and a great father.  He is so supportive and makes me laugh every day.  I love the way it feels to be with him and that I know I can be with him for eternity.  Thanks for loving me back...happy anniversary!


  1. Happy 5 years!! I loved all the pictures you posted-I love watching your hair style change :) And how Jared's hair stays the same:) Very cute and fun couple. I used to be as adventerous as you when I was young and had no kids:) Loved the "Incredibles" outfits.

  2. Happy Anniversary! You were a beautiful bride and handsome groom. It didn't take me long to realize you would make a great couple. What fun you two can cook up! It will be interesting to see what the next five will bring.


  3. Happy Anniv. I did see who I come to the blog to see. And I have to tell you that I really Liked your Hair Long Dani. That Picture of you with your dress up to see your shoes is my favorite picture of you. I miss you!

    Heath (your might remember me)

  4. Congratulations you two! And kudow to you for taking the time to scan and post all those pics. You'll be glad you did.

  5. FIVE YEARS?? congratulations! That's a big milestone! It's been fun to watch you guys grow together as a couple--hope you have as much FUN in your next 5 years as you have in these 5!!

  6. Great blog entry.

    We are grateful to have you as our family

  7. From the first time I met you, Dani, I've thought you were the most darling girl! Always happy, smiley, and adventurous! You are a wonderful addition to our extended Walters Family. We are happy you and Jared choose each other. Thanks for taking up down memory lane with you. We wish you many more Happy Anniversaries together. Love, Aunt Bridgette

  8. that was way too lovey dovey for me...however, I am glad you are so compatible and still together. Maybe someday they will create a medication that will make me more...emotion...full?
