Monday, May 11, 2009

3 Year Pictures

We had 3 year pictures taken on the kids birthday... like always it was a lot of work for a few ok pictures, I have lots of blooper pictures to post, but here are the best ones we got.
Yep... This really is one of the best ones, Jacob had a death grip on her and it was smashing her face.
He is pretty easy to get a good picture of, so I have a couple good ones of him that I am not posting... it is not because he will hold still, it is just because he happens to be photogenic.
The one good one we got of Claire... she is such a big girl now, she is really losing her toddler look.
These are there Easter outfits by the way.
We've had better, but it could be worse.  At least you can see what everyone is looking like right now!


  1. They look adorable! I can't wait to see you guys!

  2. I think you all look beautiful and handsome!


  3. Claire is a beautiful little girl. It was good to see you sister. I miss you. Looking forward to August!!

  4. I would love it!!!!!!! You probably have my email address but just in case:

  5. Cute pictures...they sure are growing up fast. Dani-Your hair has grown a lot!

  6. What a good-lookin family! Dani your hair is getting so long, really pretty! Can't wait for this weekend!
