Monday, November 02, 2009

Happy Halloween

We had so much company in October and I need to post those pictures, but I wanted to post Halloween before we are too far removed. We had great fall weather for Halloween, nice enough that we could be comfortable trick-or-treating in short sleeves! Jared and our friend Chris did most of the trick-or-treating supervising and I joined the for part of it!
Thanks Chris... you were a good sport!
Our 'princess' and 'monster' pumpkins per request of the kids.

Here are the adorable pirates in full costume! They had a great time and were so good at trick-or-treating this year, but were afraid of some houses or decorations (namely a smoke machine and a gorilla handing out candy.


  1. they are so cute - i love their costumes. we miss you guys!

  2. Claire's hair has gotten so LONG!! They looked very cute-at first I thought Jacob was a Prince. They looked cute! I liked Jared's costume. It made me laugh!!

  3. What cute pirates. They would make good advertisements for the cosutmes. Claire's hair is perfect to be a pirate! Wish I could have seen them in person.

