Friday, November 13, 2009


October was a busy month for us... we had LOTS of visitors and we loved it. Our first arrival was Sid and Katie.
We took them to Columbia River Gorge to see lots of beautiful waterfalls.
Our kids love Sid (they love Katie too). He taught Jacob and Claire lots of important things.
He taught them about exploring caves.
We threw an Oktoberfest in their honor... complete with Leiderhosen, homemade rootbeer, hotdogs with sourkraut, make your own big soft pretzel, and polka music.
Then our friends Matt and Rachel got here. Then Mama Streeter got here. The girls shopped, the boys explored. We ate, we played, and we made yummy calzones.
Sid and Katie got engaged! They were really happy.
We all tried out several types of donuts from Portland's famous Voodoo donuts. They have CRAZY donuts. The bacon maple bar was really good (real slices of bacon on top) but to my surprise I really loved the grape donut too. I think the one covered in cocoa puffs was my least favorite.
Claire loved her M&M covered donut.
We also went to the rose garden and although the roses were past their prime, there were still a lot in bloom. On top of all of those things we enjoyed funny games (including a human mop race) staying up late, lots of laughing and I enjoyed my own cheering squad at my soccer game. Thanks for coming everyone. It was fun (stay tuned, this is just the beginning of the visitors).


  1. cutest picture of claire i have ever seen. i'm going to frame it.

  2. fun to be a part of it.

    Heath--papa Steeter came 2 days later.

