Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas in the Air

Kiddos are really excited for Christmas this year (or at least I am excited for them for Christmas this year). Everyday they come down and look for Marco (the elf that watches them all day and reports to Santa every night about if they were naughty or nice) and they are constantly reminding me, each other, and our babysitters that Marco is watching. Speaking of Santa, we saw him today at story time at the library. Claire was so brave and excited to get on his lap, Jacob was a little more timid and cautiously stood next to him. You can tell by the look on his face that he was a little leery. Also, you can also tell that we moved to the Pacific Northwest because our pictures with Santa our in raincoats and rainboots instead of winter coats with hats and gloves.
Claire and Jacob look so cute in their new Christmas outfits (thanks Nana). I took this picture a couple of weeks ago before we decorated the tree. I even made the giant bow in Claire's hair... I may have gotten carried away, but it is really a cute bow.
Merry Christmas everyone... what a fantastic season, I love teaching my kids about the birth of our Savior and quizzing them on where he was born, what he slept in, etc... They really know that story now and I love hearing them tell me in their little high (especially Jacob) voices.


  1. They look so grown up. I love the outfits Nana. Also love the bow.


  2. Our elf is Dobby, and it's the first thing Ellie looks for every morning. Hurray for Jingles, Marco, and Dobby! Hurray for Nana and Papa. LOVE those twinner Christmas outfits.
