On the 15th Jared and I celebrated 6 blissful years of marriage! Yes, I said blissful. Anyhow, Amber was in town and (with some help) she watched our kids for us so we could have a quick getaway. We drove to the coast and stayed in a little hotel in Lincoln City. Here is the view from our room balcony... (isn't he cute!)

We really enjoyed time relaxing, eating yummy seafood at a nice restaurant, laughing, watching movies while it rained all night and then taking a walk on the beach in the morning after sleeping in.

Our room even had a fireplace and we tried out some different settings on our new camera and tried our new mini tripod.

It was a great weekend for us both and we very much appreciate our babysitters, our kids were so mad when we got home because they would much rather have spent the rest of the weekend with their babysitters. Heres to six years, I love you Jared and can't wait to see what the next six bring!
You both look cute. It looks like a fun time and nice way to celebrate.
ReplyDelete"i want to keep you"
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ReplyDeleteCongratulations you guys!!! That is awesome!! I'm glad you guys got to have a little time away, it looked like a beautiful place!! We miss you guys and are sad that we didn't get to watch kiddos for you while you got to sneak away.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your celebration. We have twins as well--3 year olds.