Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Favorite Words and Phrases

I love certain words that kiddos say! Claire's newest one is especially funny, I think.

"Forenoggin" - Claire (a new one!)
"Snoke" - both kiddos (smoke)
"Lasterday" and "Next Day" - both kiddos
"Nopes" - Claire (when she was younger)
The Tulip "Vegetable" - instead of the Tulip Festival
Monsters Versus Medians (Aliens)


  1. Actually I don't think they are saying aliens...I think they mean exactly medians!!! Finally all of those statistics terms I threw at them sunk in!!! Ha ha!! (evil laugh here) Not really but how cute!! We miss you guys tons, you need to move back here.

  2. Ellie says "lasterday" too! Where do they get that? Hilarious!
