Thursday, June 10, 2010


the new glasses! Jacob has amblyopia and will now be the handsome guy with the glasses always and the handsome guy with the patch for 3 hours a day. His left eye is 8 times more farsighted than his right eye (his right eye is great). We got him the indestructible glasses that you can't break (if only they had a kind that you can't lose).

We have had them for all of an hour, but so far he has been great about wearing them. I think I will wait for tomorrow to start with the patching. I am feeling really lucky that his favorite color is dark blue and not bright orange or red or something.


  1. definitely the cutest thing i have seen ALL day. if only his name was simon, and he was mine.

  2. I should have had that done to me when I was little - My left eye is WAY far sighted, and my right eye sees great. He looks so cute!

  3. Seriously adorable. Can't wait to see those bright blue glasses in person in August!

  4. I showed Bridger the picture, and he said "Where's My glasses?".

  5. He looks so cute in his glasses!! I hope that helps him see much better. No more running into things:)
