Thursday, September 08, 2011

The tooth fairy

Today Jacob came up to me out of the blue and said "Mom, is there a tooth here?" There was, but it was SO loose, and behind it was another tooth, it had come in quite a bit already. I couldn't believe he hadn't noticed before, he just said "Ohhhh... maybe that is why it has been hurting a little." There was a little crying as he tried to pull it out until I convinced him it was not big deal and just to wiggle it, and hour later he just yanked it out and was so excited about the tooth fairy. He wrote her a note, as he was writing it I heard Claire tell him "you could tell her that she can give you a hundred dollars if she wants." Luckily for the tooth fairy Jacob can't really write understandable notes yet. So Jared told me as he was tucking Jacob in he was suddenly sad about parting with his tooth and has decided not to put it under his pillow because he is not ready to let her take it yet.

1 comment:

  1. What a great picture! So many big events in a few days. I chuckled to hear he didn't want to part with the tooth.

