Saturday, October 15, 2011

3 months

Our sweet babies are 3 months old. They don't look like preemies.
They are now wearing 3-6 month sizes and even some just 6 month size things. They are both very happy babies and smile a lot, they don't cry very much and mostly just cry when they are hungry or at night when they want to be held (or sometimes when I am trying to make dinner). They love the bumbos and they really love their playmat. Kate sometimes likes to complain and has a very cute complaining face and funny complaining voice. Liam smiles with his entire body and really kicks his legs a lot when he is excited. They will be happy for hours and hours in the baby bjorns. They also sleep through the night almost half of the time now and when they don't they only wake up once in the night. They are SO happy in the morning when they wake up.... hungry, but happy! They both really love Jacob and Claire and smile at them all the time. We feel like they notice each other more than we remember Jacob and Claire noticing each other at this age, they love to look at each other and Kate especially loves to talk and smile at Liam.
They have been such mobile babies constantly going places with us as we cart the older two around to various activities, and they are so happy and content to do so. They are great eaters and mostly nurse but get a little bottle every night before bed. Liam will happily take his food in any way, Kate sometimes refuses to take her bottle no matter what bottle it is or what is in it, sometimes she will take it, but only 1 oz and then refuses to eat any way but nursing and every once in awhile she will take it and drink the little bit that is in it.

In other news, this big brother lost ANOTHER tooth this week. He was so excited to write a note to the tooth fairy and tell her that he was not afraid to leave his tooth this time. As soon as Jacob woke up the next morning, he ran into our room and reported, "the tooth fairy brought me 3 monies, and I gave one to Claire!"

1 comment:

  1. I posted a comment here, but it didn't take. I'll try again.

    Dani, thanks so much for this post. I love seeing and hearing how the babies are progressing and the big events in Claire and Jacob's life. He is now even with Breckin on teeth.

