Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Jacob's Art Gallery

Jacob and Claire have recently really been into drawing and other forms of art. One of the great things about their art, is it really gives insight into what is on their mind. In Jacob's art gallery, you'll get a pretty good idea that there is 1 thing on Jacob's mind... Click on the picture to see it in full size!

Football (notice the helmets)
I think this is (from top to bottom): Tennis, football (the helmet, again), and baseball
Soccer field (that square holding up the upside down field goal posts is actually the goalie box, I think)
Soccer field (awaiting the kickoff... kiddos leagues are 3 vs 3)
Soccer - it appears he is diagramming a play, passing it around
Baseball field. I believe these is a dugout
Baseball. Though there is an off chance this is frisbee...
Baseball. Looks like he's playing catch with Claire.
Baseball again. 2 ducks on the pond, time for a clutch hit!
Like I said, he has 1 thing on on his mind. Every night when I get home from work, he has planned out which sport we are going to play. He playing catch, kicking a ball around, and watching baseball and football. I have no idea where he gets it from!


  1. It must be their age!! Clayton is in a major art period right now too! It's so cute to see what they create!

  2. I think Jacob is doing very well with his drawings. I like all of the sports drawings.

  3. I posted here earlier, but it mus not have taken.

    Hmmmm, I wonder where he gets his obsession with sports??? I could make them all out, but think the one is more likely to be frisbee.

