My sweet babies are six months old, I can hardly believe it. The time has gone by so quickly. We have had our first ear infections in both babies, but they recovered quickly and got back to being the happy babies. Kate rolls from her belly to her back almost every time we put her on her belly, Liam has done it a few times, but not all the time. Liam has two teeth now and just barely started to sit up on his own, it makes him so happy. They both love baths, food and attention. It is so easy to get a smile from them both, all you really have to do is look at them. They also adore Jacob and Claire and love when they play with them. They have been pretty good sleepers, but since Liam started cutting teeth we haven't been quite as consistent with the through the night routine... hopefully it will return soon, but really not much to complain about.
Here are the stats:
Liam: 17 lbs 10 oz, 25.75" long, 45 cm head
Kate: 14 lbs 15 oz, 24.8" long, 42.5 cm head
They have rolls and chub and we just love it and love them!
Darling, darling twins--both sets! Thanks so much for the adorable pictures. Yep, I've just gotta get there this spring.