Sunday, May 20, 2012

T-Ball Season

It's T-Ball season, and for the second season in a row, Jacob is on the Scrappers.  His entire team from last year went to the older league, so he got an entire new team.

Jacob got a new bat for his birthday, and he's done well hitting.  He almost always gets a hit with the coach pitching the ball.  When I took pictures of him hitting, I noticed that he sticks his tongue out when he swings!  Ha! 

Jacob's ability to concentrate has improved a lot this year.  He pays attention and, for the most part, does what his coaches ask.

One of his favorite things to do is tag people out.  On the last batter, he likes to get the ball and stand in front of home plate tagging people out.  One game, he was playing third base, and the ball was hit to right field.  Jacob sprinted there, got the ball from his teammate, and ran home in time to tag 2 people out.  He has 3 triple plays so far this season!  (coaches have recently changed the gameplan so they are to throw the ball to first and hold it on the last batter... probably a good thing!)

Jacob's fan club has 2 new members this year!  We normally bring a blanket and eat breakfast on Saturday games or dinner on weekday games.  I'm sure they will end up watching a lot of their older brother and sister's sporting events!

We've been lucky to have beautiful weather this year for t-ball games (over 2 straight weeks without rain - in May!).  It has been fun to watch Jacob's excitement for t-ball and to see his abilities improve this year.

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