Thursday, July 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Babies

I can hardly believe that today is Kate and Liam's first, that went fast!  We have been having so much fun with these two little people in our family the last year.  They are such happy little babies and such bright spots in our lives.  Here is the latest: they are both happy and very very busy little babies.  They both love outside and both love to wave hello and goodbye.
 Kate has a lot of spunk and has definitely formed some opinions of her own.  She has learned to climb the stairs which she surprised me with one day when I could not find her and finally located her in my room playing with her toys!  She army crawls most of the time but can crawl on her hands and knees which she mostly does on unusual surfaces like grass or trampolines.  She has developed a love of screaming.... not because she is upset, just because she likes to and it is a very sharp high pitched noise. Kate has a funny sense of humor, she likes to repeat things that make people laugh and she really laughs at things that she finds funny, sometimes naughty, sometimes not.  She is pulling up on things and so happy about it, she loves to throw food on the floor, but also loves to eat it.  Her words are dada, baby(baba), and mama, although she would always prefer to say dada to mama.  She has a very expressive face and often looks like she is up to something.

Liam is the happiest friendliest little (big) guy, he smiles at EVERYONE and just beams if you look in his direction.  He has 11 teeth, two of them are molars!  He army crawls everywhere and is a very fast and fluid army crawler.  He loves to stop and pose on his side like a swimsuit model, just stop, turns, smiles, and now he will often grab the toes on one leg and hold it up in the air.  Liam is also pulling up on things and is so determined and happy about it.  He loves food...ALL food, and it is obvious because he is a big big guy and really heavy to lug around.  He loves to splash hard in the bathtub and HATES getting dressed.  His words are mama, dada, baby (baba), and sometimes banana (nana), luckily he prefers to say mama.  Liam is a little sensitive and if he gets scared or gets his feelings hurt he will just lay his head down and cry in a way that just breaks your heart, but he always recovers quickly.

 We have definitely entered the stage where the babies take what they want from each other and get mad when they are taken from.  They also will laugh together and get each other giggling every once in awhile.
 The birthday girl today.
 The birthday boy today.
 Liam's favorite trick is "so big" and he gets so excited when he does it that he is constantly flapping his arms as he holds them up.  He also claps and holds phones (and other toys) up to his ear when I am on the phone.
 Kate's favorite trick is "where is your head?" and everytime she does a trick she promptly follows it by smiling and clapping for herself.  She also dances with her arms.
Jacob and Claire are such great big brother and sister to these two little babies.... they get so excited when they do something new, and they love to play with them and help with them.  The babies just adore them too.  Who would have thought one day we would have our twins pushing our twins on the family walk?
 6 months ago...
About a year ago....

 One year ago....
 They got bigger!


  1. Oh this post makes me happy and sad! They have changed so much! I can't believe that Liam has 12 teeth! Wow! Time goes so fast seems like you just brought them home...

  2. Yeah--I love new posts and loved reading about there one-year mark. Can't wait to see everyone.


  3. They are completely adorable!!
