Friday, September 07, 2012

Kate's first steps!

For the past 2 weeks, Kate has been somewhat obsessed with walking.  During church, when we're in the hallway, she doesn't want to be held and she doesn't want to crawl, she wants to hold a hand and walk around.  She's been able to take a couple steps and lunge at things and has gotten pretty brave about it.

Dani was sitting at the computer, and she noticed Kate walk behind her - without any help!  She picked up her phone and recorded this exciting moment.
I love the look on her face near the end of the video - Kate was pretty happy with herself.

Within a couple days, walking has become her preferred mode of transportation - and she's very entertained by it!


  1. And so it begins! How close is Liam to walking?

  2. Exciting! I am still laughing about your "mobile and brainless" comment. :) The fun just gets better!

  3. Oh Dani, I see in the bottom photo of Kate the goose eggs you told me about that she gets when she bangs her head on the floor when Liam snatches her toy! Owwww! I hope she learns quickly that that isn't a good idea.

