Sunday, August 12, 2012

Picking Blackberries

There are blackberry bushes near our house, so one Sunday, we took a family trip to pick some.  As a side note, before we moved to Oregon, we had some friends who told us they were removing their blackberry bushes from their backyard, and we wondered why anyone would do that.  Now, I understand.  They're big, thorny vines that take over!  This picture of Claire is picking blueberries at Rowell Brothers.

Others had picked some of the ones down lower, so we had to get a little creative to get the ones that were up higher.  Jacob and Claire helped with the photography (I'm pretty sure this is a picture Claire took... none of Jacob's had Dani's head in them!)

BAD IDEA!!!  A couple days after picking, I had a little rash on my left forearm that turned into a big rash on my forearm and my left hip and a few other random spots as well.  My best guess is that it was from picking berries.

Liam liked to help.  Actually, he just likes to eat berries.

Kate also loves blackberries.  Normally, she's the messier eater - she likes to squeeze the berries before she eats them.  Sometimes, she eats the juice out of the berry, then spits out the rest (she especially does this with grapes).

I'm watching you!

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