Sunday, October 21, 2012

Kate's increasing vocabulary

While both Kate and Liam have started talking, Kate seems to learn new words daily.  She loves to mimic sounds and words.  One of her latest is "no no," which she says quite forcefully to Liam, Claire, Jacob, or anyone else (including herself) that is doing something that she doesn't approve of.

Here's a small sample of a few of the things Kate says (with pronunciation phonetically spelled out):
Baby (which is pretty much anyone under the age of 10)
Claire:  "Hi-eeee" (getting her face really close)
Jacob:  "Bah-bah"
Pumpkin:  "Mah-Kee"
Broccoli:  "Bah-Kee"
Food:  "nummy-nummy"
More:  "Moi"
Dog:  "Dah-geeee"
Milk: "Muck"
Diaper (Yucky): "Ah-keeahh keeahh keeahh kee"

We are enjoying hearing what is on Kate's mind.  She has a funny sense of humor and keeps us entertained.  It is fun to identify animals and animal sounds (dogs, cows, sheep, etc.) as well as body parts (hands, feet, head, ears, etc) and watch Kate and Liam learn.


  1. ...don't forget two very important words---NANA and PAPA!!! She can say them very well!

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