Monday, December 31, 2012

We made it to 2013!

The week after Christmas wasn't the easiest week for us.  The day after, both babies started having the stomach flu and threw up.  That would happen Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.  Jacob and Claire would also get sick on Friday.  Dani's started feeling sick Saturday, and it lasted through the middle of Monday, and she still wasn't feeling well for another few days after.  Jared didn't get much of the stomach flu, but had a cold and lost his voice completely on Sunday, and it wasn't back until mid-day Monday.  Needless to say, we're glad we're through it!

Because the babies were having a hard time keeping their food down, we needed to make sure they were getting enough liquid.  They LOVE milk, but obviously, that doesn't work to give to them while they have the stomach flu.  Liam decided to be picky about the fluids he drank, so we ended up trying all the following:  
Pedialyte (he didn't like that)
Apple Juice (didn't like that either)
Water (only drank that once)
Gatorade (nope)
Gatorade popsicles (nope)
Gatorade slush (he took that twice)
Watered-down apple sauce (that was a winner a couple times)
Sprite (only if it was spoon fed)
Water in a baby bottle (he was okay with that a few times - I had to take a picture of our nearly 18-month-old drinking from a bottle)
Chicken broth from canned chicken noodle soup (that one he liked)

Kate is generally a pleasant little baby, but she has a short fuse and will go from happy to angry in a flash.  One thing that causes her to get mad is to be hungry.  Since she was sick for so long, she had a long time of being hungry, and it seemed to heighten her mad moments.  She started hitting her head hard on her crib, and caused a big knot to form in the middle of her forehead.  I'm amazed at how much energy both babies would use in throwing a fit when they had so little energy because of their sicknesses!  Dani has now tied the baby bumper to the top of Kate's crib so Kate won't hurt herself!

When Dani was sick on Sunday, Claire brought Dani something to help her be happy - it's a flower and a cupcake, and a hose to keep the flower watered.  Ha!

We didn't really leave the house (or change out of pajamas) between Christmas and New Years (other than Jared going to work two days), but we were happy to be feeling better by New Years Eve.  We celebrated (at 9:00) with Martinelli's, watching the Time's Square ball drop, and calling Nana and Papa.

2012 has been a fun and eventful year.  We've gotten to see loved ones and experience exciting events.  It has been fun to watch the rapid learning and growth of our children.  We look forward to a 2013 filled with more learning, fun, and excitement!

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