Saturday, February 16, 2013

Gotta Stick with Auntie Amber

Amber came to visit.  I think it was the longest run without a visit to Portland from her since we've been here (about a year), so we were ready to have some Auntie time in Portland.

It was a 'nice' day (i.e. there were periods of dry weather mixed with periods of light drizzle), so we went to the riverfront park.  Kate plopped down on the grass and wanted to read.

We had a little game of frisbee.  Liam didn't end up in many pictures because he mainly wandered around between Jacob and Jared crying for the ball (which would be thrown to him, but not enough for his liking).

Kate wanted to play baseball, too.  Then she went wandering off with a mischievous look in here eyes.

As is custom for a daytime trip to Portland, we went food carting.  Dani got a waffle with all sorts of different stuff on it (brie, arugula, bacon).  Jacob tried Korean (bulgogi) and loved it - he was quite proud of his adventurous eating.  Claire got a grilled cheese from the grilled cheese food cart (not so adventurous, but very classic for her).

Dani and Amber took a couple shopping trips, though with a little less success than normal.

We don't have many pictures of Amber from the trip, but it was so fun to see her again!

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