After Aspen Grove, we took the family to BYU to show them where their mom and dad went to college. We spent a while in the bookstore picking up BYU gear (we think of it as an investment for lower tuition in the future!) and showed them the buildings we spent so much time in during college. We walked through the library and on some of the open grassy areas and talked a little about college.
We took a short tour through Provo, driving by our first apartment (which is more of a wine cellar, though they had improved the outside, at least!) and over the gazebo in the park where Jared proposed to Dani nearly 11 years earlier!
Just 11 years later, we were able to take a moment (but no more - we had 5 kids in our car!) to enjoy and reflect on
We took a drive to the Mount Timpanogos temple, where we were married 10.5 years earlier. We looked a bit ragged, with our fully-packed car, so we stayed at the far end of the lawn, but the kids all wanted to have pictures in front of the temple that their mom and dad were married in.
It was special to reflect on the day 10.5 years ago when we were married, to think of the sparkle in Dani's eyes as she knelt across the alter from me, and watch as a couple came walking out of the temple and think of the joy we felt at the time and have felt even stronger in the years since. I am grateful to have married my best friend and companion in the temple of the Lord.
Wow! A lot has happened in 10 1/2 years! A lot of wonderful things!