Friday, October 10, 2014

Precoa Fun Run

Jared's company hosted their first annual Kids Fun Run and Precoa 5K.  The run took place in and around the parking lot.  The whole family participated in the 1-mile fun run.

At the start, Jacob took off like a flash.  One other boy was running with Jacob for a bit, but Jacob, inspired by all of the workers cheering him on, kept going faster and faster.  He wound up finishing the mile in 8:15 and was thrilled to finish first!

Jared and Claire ran together, holding hands for about half of the mile.  It was fun to watch the expression on Claire's face as she was cheered on.  At the end of the last lap, she took off and finished at a 9:15 mile.

Kate and Liam started with Dani and Torin, and shortly thereafter, Kate took off by herself (Liam was taking his time).  After Jared finished with Claire, he and Jacob took another lap with Kate to finish her mile and then Claire and Jared took another lap with Liam to finish Liam's mile.

The 5k was next, and while Jared hadn't planned on running it (he ran 2.5 miles that morning plus the fun run and extra laps), he was peer pressured into it.

The 5k was 9 laps, and after the first lap, Jacob joined and ran 3 laps (1 mile), then took a lap off, then ran 2 more laps!  Claire ran 4 of the 9 laps with Jared, too.  On his last lap, one of Jared's co-workers started to catch up to Jacob.  He told Jacob this, and Jacob took off and couldn't be caught!  Overall, the Jensens logged 37 laps, or 13 miles!

It was a proud-parent moment watching Claire and Jacob do something they had never done before and find success.  It was fun to watch their faces and reactions as they were cheered for and as people commented on how great runners they are.  It has ignited a little bit of interest in running!

This is just one of the reasons Precoa was recently named the #1 midsize company to work for in Oregon!

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