Saturday, November 08, 2014

Beautiful fall weekend

One thing that we didn't get to do as much in 2014 as we did in 2013 is go for family bike rides.  We woke up today and it was a beautiful day, and now that Torin is getting bigger, we decided we could figure out a way to get him into the bike trailer next to Kate.  Liam joined Dani on the back of her bike.

It was a change for Dani to have Liam instead of Kate, and she could feel the difference!

Kate and Jacob's pictures were photobombed by their beautiful mother!

After riding for a while, we took a side trail and found ourselves at a little park.  Torin got to swing for a while - he didn't have much of a reaction, so we'll assume he loved it!  The big kids took turns hanging upside down on all the different playground equipment.

We enjoyed the blue sky and fall colors.  The trail we took went over the Tualatin River and next to train tracks, which had a couple trains pass during our ride), so the kids (and daddy) were all excited!

It is a long process to get everything re-packed up (it took nearly as long to load all the bikes than we actually rode for!), so Kate and Liam went for their own bike ride as Jared loaded up all the bikes and trailer.

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