Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ice skating

We wanted to do something a little different with the whole family, so decided to give ice skating a go!  They had some great supports to help the beginners.  Kate and Liam would hold on to the front, and we would push them around the ice at full speed.  Liam loved it right from the start!  Kate had to be persuaded to give it a try ("look, Kate, there are pink dots on the ice... let's go find some more!")

Grandma gave it a try too.  She learned they are designed for people a little shorter!  Jacob didn't spend long behind his, and he and Claire were skating tentatively all around the ice by the end.

Grandpa John helped keep the kids company when they needed breaks.  Kate needed frequent breaks! 

When we left, the manager gave Liam some kids' ice hockey gear.  He was really excited!

All in all, it was a big success!

1 comment:

  1. I had a great time and think the kids did too. What great for I hd!
