Friday, June 05, 2015

Tiny Torin turns 1 - and eats an entire cake!

It's hard to believe this little guy is already 1 year old!!! We have felt blessed to have him in our family. From the time he was born, he has had a peaceful spirit, and his sweet spirit has been the source of peace on hard days. 

We celebrated his birthday with some presents and cake.  Torin was pretty excited to open presents, though he more just liked the wrapped boxes... at least, until they were opened and revealed fun toys!!!

Easily the most entertaining and memorable part of the birthday celebration was him eating his birthday cake.  We got him his own little cake, and set it in front of him.  He started in slowly, with two fingers dipping into the frosting and eating it.  After his first bite or two, he started eating a little faster, and eventually, his fingers hit cake.

At that point, he started going by the fistful, digging into the cake and stuffing it into his face.  He started getting more excited and would shake his hands all over the place, flinging cake all over the kitchen, from the sliding glass door all the way over to the couch, with cake sticking to the walls behind him.  Finally, he started kneading it in between fistfuls, at which point we finally decided he was through.

It was a sight to behold!  Good thing one of his presents was a new high chair cover!!!

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