Saturday, May 14, 2016

Funny Pictures

Sometimes, there isn't really a big story to accompany a picture, but the picture is priceless and needs to be kept. So, here's the first-half of 2016 in funny pictures:

It appears Liam's pajamas (from a few weeks ago) shrunk!

We helped move a family in need of some service. Liam was excited to help out!

Jacob loves helping out with the post-dinner sweeping. 

Liam's hair is fantastic - especially on a slide full of static!

Kate is so enthusiastic wherever she goes - especially when we go to the water park!

Kate loves showing off her big eyes - especially on Facetime. 

Yes, you are a turkey!

Liam was thrilled to try out his wedding outfit. 

I'm not entirely sure what was going on here... there is a policy man with a hard hat and sunglasses holding a sword and Buzz Lightyear blaster against a light-saber-bearing knight helmet and sunglasses wearing ... jedi?

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