Kate has commented a number of times about how she has felt the holy ghost, how she feels good and happy when she is feeling it. She has a sweet, growing testimony of the gospel. We have walked into her room on various occasions seeing her praying on her bed.
This last Fast Sunday, Kate decided she wanted to bear her testimony and spent a good portion of sacrament meeting discussing with Claire what she would say when she went up front. In the middle of the meeting, Kate decided she was ready and went up with Jared. Once she got to the front of the podiums, she turned and went back. A few minutes later, Jared bore his testimony, and when he returned, Claire and Kate were writing things furiously.
At the very end, Kate deciding she wanted her big sister to accompany her, she and Claire confidently walked up to the front, making it a step or two further than the previous time before turning around again!
Bishop, having watched this, sweetly commented that, "The Lord knows your heart, Kate."
Love this story! Wise Bishop.