Sunday, June 12, 2016

Together Time

We love together time as a family! We try to do things that are interesting for all of our kids - and Kate loves painting fingernails and toenails, whether daddy or mommy does it with her.

We love to serve together. One day, clearly after Jared played ultimate (in that crazy outfit), he and the kids joined the missionaries in helping a family of one of Claire's classmates move. It was a big job, and the kids all helped in the loading and unloading, but were happy to help!

We enjoy time reading together. The kids really enjoy reading Calvin and Hobbes (or "Calvin and the Hobbes" as Kate calls it). We're pretty sure that none of them find it nearly as funny as Jared does, but they still ask frequently to read it as part of bedtime. We love it when the big kids read to the little kids - including when the biggest kid curls up in the bean bag chair with one or more of the little ones!

We also love together traditions, like our traditional St. Pattys meal, which includes the normal corned beef, cabbage and potatoes and adds a few other greens like Jello and virgin mojitos!

We enjoy Sunday afternoon walks, especially when it's sunny and warm outside.

When mom and dad go away for a trip, the kids all hope for a treat from wherever they went. After Cancun, it was a giant sucker (which was filled with little suckers)

Kate loves taking selfies with Dani!

The front doorstep is the perfect place for treats, especially popsicles and doughnuts!

Family Home Evening games are typically pretty quick, but we have fun with them!


  1. look at her with her legs spread showing me her pretty purple knickers, I would have them off and mycok in her in no time
