Saturday, July 02, 2016

Summer Time at Nana's

The first activity on the agenda in Cincinnati was, appropriately, a Reds game! It was a matinee game against (who else?) the Cubs. Even though parking was bad enough Jared took the first 4 innings to find a spot and walk to the stadium, it was fun to be back at a baseball game! The kids (minus Liam, who didn't want to be in the picture) found Rosie Red for a picture.

One special part of this trip was having Grandpa Walters come to Cincinnati. Jared and Taylor picked him up from the airport, with a momentary panic when the security guard, checking with gate agents, said Grandpa wasn't on the flight from Salt Lake City! He made it and was fun to talk to throughout the week. We heard stories from his college and Navy days, from the starting of his farm and warehouse business, and about Granny. We played a pretty epic game of the candy bar game, too. It was a special week made even more special with Grandpa there!

One night, we had a big batch of paella made fresh in our own backyard!

Torin had his first trampoline experiences and seemed to think it was pretty funny!

Let's be honest, summertime at Nana's Castle is all about the pool! Everyone had a good time in the pool, and Nolin was not going to be left out!

The mamas got even got some relaxation time in the pool, and what better to relax on/in than doughnut tubes, which Taylor and Hayley brought in Amber's honor.

Torin loved being in the pool. After watching the bigger kids jumping off the diving board, Torin made his way over and climbed on top. Jared waited for him underneath, held Torin's hands, and pulled him in. Torin immediately said, "AGAIN!"

After a dozen or more times, Jared didn't hold his hands up for Torin, encouraging him to jump, and he did! "AGAIN" His jumps got further and further, practically landing on top of us sometimes! Grandpa Walters loved watching him, and kept commenting, "you're going to have to watch that one."

Kate and Adele were especially excited to play together. They loved wearing matching outfits - their matching watermelon swimsuits and matching Sunday dresses. They played together in the pool and in the playroom all vacation long.


We spent a lot of time in the pool this trip. With 7 people, we always had multiple swimsuits drying in the bathroom. By the end of the trip, it was kind of ridiculous how many were hanging up at the same time!

We got to stay all the way through the Independence Day. Jared was waiting all vacation to pull out a special shirt to go with his swimsuit honoring the USA!

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