Saturday, September 26, 2020

Dates during COVID

What do you do when you can't go to restaurants? when you can't have friends over?

Go outside! Go for a paddle with friends on the Little Miami River (because you aren't allowed to paddle on Lake Isabella - which we found out after paddling on Lake Isabella for a few minutes)

The area we paddled was a little deeper than the last time we paddled the Little Miami, but still had a few shallow spots.

Go for bike rides on the Loveland Bike Trail. Dani even got a new bike this year! We typically go for 15-25 miles.

Eat in your car. Or, even better, one night while Nana and Papa were in Texas visiting T and Hayley, Dani and I got takeout Thai food and ate it over at Nana's castle. We discovered that Nana uses a lot of birds in her décor!

When the weather was nice, we could have a burger outside.

Finally, one day when cases were lower, we went with the Goldies, Lesans, Browns, and Busbys (wearing masks, of course) to an escape room (we successfully escaped!)

and to a Mexican restaurant afterwards. It was delicious!

We even got dressed up once ... though we can't remember why!

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