Wednesday, January 06, 2021

A completely surreal day

Traditionally, this date is not a date that is memorable. However, for the past few months, President Trump has called into question the results of the election that he lost, claiming that he won (by a lot) and that the election was stolen from him through massive fraud. Though those claims have been heard in court and dismissed, this narrative continued without strong objection from the Republicans, which allowed it to gather strength.

This lead-up to Wednesday, January 6 led to the expectation that during the vote certification in the House of Representatives, there would be objections made, but that ultimately, President Elect Biden's victory would be certified.

That morning, 16 blocks away, President Trump held a rally, again saying that the election had been stolen, that they needed to fight, and to march down to the capital and show strength.

After some states were certified, Arizona was objected and the houses separated into their separate chambers to deliberate. That's when the chaos started.

The protesters marched from the President's speech to the capital, went up the steps, and eventually entered the capital building. The Senate and House were evacuated, and soon, protesters entered both chambers. They wandered the halls, entering congressmen's offices, including Speaker Pelosi.

After all was said and done, 5 people had died, including a capitol policeman. Though the confirmation was delayed, it finished later that night as President Biden's election was confirmed.

It was a surreal day. The Familia Jensen text chain was ringing nonstop! We could not believe the actions of a group against our country. It also highlighted the growing polarization and disillusionment that people are feeling and the antagonistic feelings that many have. It made us grateful that in our family, on both the Streeter and Jensen sides, even if our political views are not the same, that we are willing and able to respectfully listen to and share with one another.

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