Saturday, July 24, 2021

JenAffer Framily Reunion

The last of back to back to back reunions - this time, it was the JenAffer Framily Reunion! We have some wonderful friendships, and we are always looking for adventure, laughter, and good food!

This was our first time to meet the newest addition to the Framily, Jack! We spent a few minutes hanging out in a park in Twin Falls near the river until we got to our first adventure.

Adventure #1 - we met in the canyon at a park to go zip lining. After getting geared up with helmets and harnesses (and the teenage boys touching one another, of course), 


we took a ride in the back of an old military jeep on a dusty road to our first platform. Everyone was fearless from right off the first platform.

The canyon and river provided a beautiful backdrop.

We were proud of our little ones who walked right up and went off every time.

This was a classic JenAffer activity to kick off our trip together!

The reunion went from adventure to food! Given that the summer Olympics were being held in Tokyo, we continued a Jensen family tradition of getting food from the host country, so we went to the local Twin Falls teppanyaki restaurant!

The chef was funny - he would start chanting "Sake, Sake, Sake" and would go around the table squirting Kool-Aid (we assume!) into any taker's mouth. The kids especially loved it!

Adventure #2 was another first for them - white water rafting! We went on the Hagerman section of the Snake River, a section of the river Jared did as a child as well.

Some of the highlights were some of the big rapids, riding the bull (sitting in the front of the boat and getting knocked backwards when the boat hit a big wave),

swimming in the river, and the pickle picker! Seriously! They had a little tool to pick pickles out of jars. And of course, we now have one in the house too!

It was a beautiful day and a fun time to share another adventure with the Schaffers.

More food! After white water rafting, we had to drive a bit since we were kind of in the middle of nowhere to find the local ice cream place. It was pretty yummy!

Behind the house there was a little cove that the kids could paddle around in and explore. We inflated a few extra water toys to go enjoy. The water was super clear and cool (as it was spring-fed).

Jared and Jim had some fun catch-up time on the paddle boards behind the house, just paddling around talking about Precoa, Great American, and general life.

Parent adventure - the parents went for a long paddle, Jared and Dani in an inflatable kayak, the Schaffers on paddle boards. It was a little windy, so that made it a little more work for the Schaffers!

We paddled down to a little water fall a mile down river. Further down river was a whole wall of similar water falls. On our white water trip, we learned that this area has a lot of natural springs!

One part of paddling around this area is going under the highway in the culvert - which gave a fun view!

It was so wonderful to get to spend a few days 

While we weren't out seeking adventures, we were in the house playing games or watching the Olympics, and cheering for the USA. It was the first week of the summer games, so there was a lot of swimming, diving, gymnastics, and volleyball games to cheer for. We would sometimes have one event in one room and another event in the patio room.

The t-shirts: JENAFFER 2021 - FRAMILY IS FOREVER!!!

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