Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Spring Break - hanging with the Smiths

One of the best parts of the vacation was that it was with our friends, Ryan and Jessica, and their kids. We loved being outside hiking and skiing with them, but we also loved the time that we got to spend hanging out in the condos.

After our day 1 Zion hike, most of us got into the hot tub.

The moms had a better idea of how to warm their feet!

We decided to use the fire pit for roasting s'mores.

Admittedly, they weren't all that good... turns out, a gas fire pit doesn't roast marshmallows nearly as well as a natural wood fire! It was for the experience!

We ate meals together at both the St George and the Brian Head condos. We watched church on Sunday before hiking in Kolob, and we enjoyed playing games (including pop a shot at the St. George condo).

One of the most funny games was using the upside down goggles. Everyone got some good laughs watching each other try to fill a water glass, or put cards in order.

At one point, after observing others fail at what seemed to be an easy task of putting cards in order, Ryan decided he had what it takes. He did... pretty eventually, which got lots of laughs!

At the ski condo, the Smiths stayed at a separate condo nearby, but we were together a ton. Evenings after skiing were filled with games, movies or shows, 


and maybe a couple pillow forts!

The beds were kind of hilarious. There was a triple bunk that seemed pretty wobbly! So we took the top mattress and put it on the floor.

Dani and Jared's bed was adjustable - and it could adjust into some pretty unique positions! This one was actually very difficult to get out of!

On the final day, the kids got to grab a few of the icicles they had been eyeing all week. They were huge!

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