Our babies are 5 months old. Wow! That went so fast. I was just thinking the other day how much fun I am having with these 2 little babies... I loved being a mom to Jacob and Claire as babies, but I feel like this time I have really been able to enjoy being a mom to babies more. They are both such good natured babies and they are so easy to get smiles from and to put to bed and are great sleepers, I want to remember those things!
We recently moved them to their own cribs, it is kind of sad and seems lonely, but they transitioned really well and have been sleeping well in their own beds.

Kate is such a smiley girl. She loves to spit and she loves to make lots of noise. She also has earned the nickname 'Patsy' because she spends about 75% of the day patting things with her hands.

Liam is a big laid back dude. He is very stiff and it is much easier to get him to stand on the couch than to sit. He smiles a lot and mostly cries if he is hungry, but it is a very sad and desperate cry.

Neither baby is showing much interest in rolling over, although Liam will turn on his side sometimes. They both are loving solids... mostly they love all things food (can't you tell?). Kate is doing much better with the bottle... not perfect yet, but so much better, which is good because I have 3 concerts this weekend and she will be with Daddy that whole time.
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some of these pictures make me smile and some make me laugh out loud. thanks for brightening my day!
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