Friday, April 27, 2018

In the Temple

Shortly after Jacob and Claire's 12th birthday, they attended the temple for the first time and performed baptisms for the dead.

They brought their own names from Family Search. We are proud of our kids and are grateful to live so close to the temple.


Friday, April 20, 2018

Spring activities

Liam got to spend the spring days playing baseball on the Cubs - and all geared up!

It is fun being on the same team as friends, Bennett and Graham. 

Little Maggie got lots of attention - whether or not she was really interested in it from everyone (Dani always was bribing her for her friendship with food!)

Jacob and Caleb played in their own musical number, and Claire and 

Jacob and Claire ran track for the first time. They ran the 400. In her last race, Claire decided to do the 800 as well for the first time, ran a PR, and qualified for districts because she was one of two girls to run the race!

Piggy and Elephant day at Boeckman Creek


Wednesday, April 18, 2018


One of our favorite primary traditions - lots of hats!

We celebrated a beautiful sunny day with a trip to Bauman Farms. It was a little different than the pumpkin festival - lots fewer people, fewer activities, but quite enjoyable.

Nana took home a souvenir - she took a misstep doing the speed tires, and injured her ankle.

We loved having Nana and Papa come visit. 

and we are so proud of Jacob and Claire. Jacob received the Aaronic priesthood and was ordained a deacon, and Claire joined the Young Women

The dinner choice of champions - hot dogs and shrimp!!!

They did get a better dinner out though at their favorite restaurant - Benihana's!


Friday, April 06, 2018

The little guy

We love our little 3-year-old. Torin is a joy and loves being with his parents and siblings.

Night-time stories in bed

In bed, Torin always has a stuffed animal that he cuddles with.

Reading books with Kate. Kate LOVES to read!

Piley face - Dani loves taking selfies with Torin, and Torin loves snuggling with Dani on the beanbag chair

Torin deciding to learn piano

Watching and waiting for his older siblings to come home

When he's sad, he definitely shows it - big-time pouty face!

Sunday, April 01, 2018

Easter Time

Neighborhood Easter Egg hunt

Easter pictures - in front of the newly-redone fireplace!

And the morning family Easter Egg hunt