Thursday, April 02, 2020

Perks of working from home!

Jared's home office is set up about in the master bedroom about 5 feet from our bed. We moved the white desk into the room, bought a small TV that could hook up to Jared's computer (not without some special rigging), and brought one of our new chairs from the game table upstairs. It ended up being a pretty good setup.

One of the biggest perks is the food! Often, Jared will come down and eat with everyone, but in the times he works a little later in the morning when lunch starts, a delicious hot lunch will be hand delivered (with a smile). 

And then there's snack time - Dani has made some new yummy snacks recently, including these pretzel bites (with cheese sometimes, too!). Getting these hot out of the oven is a real treat!