Saturday, January 26, 2019

Doing the last things in Portland

We have loved our over 9 years in Portland. We arrived as a family of 4 and had 3 more kids, made wonderful friends, and unforgettable memories.

We got to go to the temple a few more times - we have loved having the temple so close. It has been literally across the highway from Jared, out his window. It has been in our stake - a place of refuge and revelation for us.

Another run with Jimmy! We will miss him.

One thing we enjoy about Oregon is the temperate days that happen during the winter - we could even get another bike ride in!

Winter did give us one more snow storm - and whenever it snows, we HAVE to build a snowman!

Another bike ride - the country roads of Sherwood and Stafford are incredible. I love being able to be in rolling hillsides only a couple minutes after leaving the house. What a beautiful area we have lived in.

We went for another hike in Tryon Creek - so amazing that we could have this beautiful hike a short drive away!

And, of course, some wings - need to get the good food in Portland while we still can!