This was probably the very hardest part of the move - the saying goodbye to friends. We spent our last night at the Candrian's house, completely moved out of our house on Roanoke Drive. Friends came over to see us off.
Kate had a good group of friends
After realizing that we were living 25 minutes away from one another for a few years, we finally made it up to visit Michael and Brynn Bacon in Hillsboro. It was fun to catch up and introduce our wives.
Torin and his best friend Grey Battles
Jared and Dani went for a run at the End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center in Oregon City - all these years, this is the first time we've been here.
They built it to look like covered wagons. Now, as John Candy said, "Wagons, EAST!"
We decided to take one last trip to Aji Tram with Ryan and Jessica
We got to spend a long day with our framily, the Schaffers.
Little did we know that MEL WAS PREGNANT!!! They told us a week after we got to Cincinnati
Packing up the things that aren't going in the truck - it is like getting ready for a couple-week long vacation.
All packed up and ready to go.
Amanda Parker and Lorena Candrian
Kelsey Hornibrook
Alice and Scott (and Glee, Griffen, and Gedde) McKnight
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