Saturday, November 07, 2020

More COVID cooking

One of Liam's goals was to make dinner for the family, and he decided he wanted to make crepes.

They turned out great, and he was thrilled!

Jared decided to try making homemade English muffins. It was a long process and included needing to buy ingredients like clarified butter! Then were delicious!!!

Jared then made eggs benedict - they ended up great! The kids call Jared's creations "special breakfast," and they have become a staple of our Sunday mornings.

Liam continues to love making hot breakfasts for himself and his siblings before school. If only there were enough time every morning!

Claire made 2 pies at the Goldies for an activity night right before Thanksgiving. She was thrilled how they turned out, and they were tasty too. She decided she was quite the pie expert... more on that (and her pie contest with Vicki!) in the Thanksgiving story!

Dani loves short ribs - and she got some this week and made a short rib ragu that she made in the oven. This was one of our favorite meals we've ever made! Delicious!