Saturday, March 21, 2020

COVID 26.2 - A "socially distanced" marathon

While we were in Gatlinburg, I got notification that the Kentucky Derby Marathon was cancelled due to COVID. I have been training for months for this, which was going to be his first, so I was pretty bummed.

This week's run was supposed to be a 21 mile run, but I thought there was a chance I may go ahead with the full marathon, and a few miles in, I was feeling great, so I decided to run the whole thing. Every few miles, still feeling good, I confirmed that idea. Finally, around 21 miles in, I texted Dani and said, "21 down, 5.2 to go." She immediately had the kids quickly make signs and tried to locate me on Find my Friends.

The found me just as I turned back on Pfeiffer for his last half mile. Liam accompanied me up and down Hunter's Knoll to the finish.

Ending time: 3 hours 45 minutes, exactly the goal I had set for myself!