Monday, August 24, 2020

Men trip to Hocking Hills

Taylor and Hayley came back to Cincinnati at the end of August, so Taylor and Jared decided to take Papa on a trip to Hocking Hills for some hiking and "man time."

Our first hike was to Old Man's Cave - we thought that was a fitting hike!

It is a pretty hike down stairs and back up stairs down a creek bed. It was a bit of a workout for Papa, for sure, but well worth it. We supported him through the hike.

After the rain died down, we went on a short walk to Ash Cave.

In Chillicothe, we stopped at a barbecue place and got a big meal of barbecue ribs and brisket. It was seriously delicious.

We ended the day in fitting fashion - with big Dairy Queen blizzards.

It was a great trip to be able to spend with Papa.