Saturday, October 31, 2020


Halloween is happening complete with trick or treating!!! Everyone is so excited!

Traditional pumpkin carvings... Smiley face for Kate, BYU for Jacob,

angry face for Liam, creative for Claire, 

and Halloween-themed for Torin, who designed his own haunted house.

Liam decided that he was going to be Jared for Halloween, so we found a Precoa hat and nametag (we don't have much Great American stuff yet). Jared, conversely, was Liam, which meant jumping around and flapping his arms and talking nonstop.

The kids wore masks outside while trick or treating. There were some houses that had candy chutes to send candy down to the awaiting bags.

After the kids collected their haul, the optimized the contents of their bags through a system of exchange of sweet goods. I think everyone ended up happy with their candy.