Monday, April 12, 2021

Knee surgery for Nana

It has been a long struggle for Nana over the past months with lots of discomfort in her knee. She finally decided to get it replaced after much consideration. She liked to say how old her surgeon was every time she talked about him!

Camie came out for a week to care for her in the hospital while Papa stayed with us. Her stay was a little longer than expected, and that was hard for Papa. The hospital did not allow more than 1 visitor, so Camie was the right person to be with Nana. Papa felt like we were keeping him from his wife. Even when he was allowed to visit her, he didn't really remember by the end of the day.

There was a lot of pain for Nan after the surgery as she recovered. Her sisters came out to care for her for a couple weeks. It was nice for her to be cared for. Papa really wanted to be helpful with her exercises, but it wasn't easy. It may take a while, but we hope she decides it was worth it.