Saturday, October 30, 2021

Date night with Towners and Blackwelders

A fun date night with the Blackwelders and the Towners over at the Blackwelders home started with some delicious tacos and involved a number of hilarious minute to win it games! First, junk in the trunk - we don't remember who won, but definitely twerking was not Jared and Dani's forte!

Dani won the award in the rubber band shooting - not for accuracy, but for the funniest faces made! We would have thought the native Wyoming girl would have done a little better at shooting.

We went digging for worms in our last game diving into a big pile of whipping cream. I guess we only got pictures of Dani 

except this one of Christian!

The evening ended with some relaxing in the hot tub. It was a fun time hanging out with them for the first time!